Ignored in Norway

We have discovered have we not that one of the noticable features of getting older is the tendency for people to generally ignore you. Not necessarily in a bad or aggressive way. That wouldn’t be too bad. At least you would have been recognised as a sentient human being. No, the way I mean is the casual disregard of your very presence. Once you hit 60ish you are awarded the invisibility cloak of no account. Whether you want it or not. I find that the only way I can materialise is by adopting the cloak of grump. But that’s another story…

Anyway, being older and being used to invisibility is very good preparation for Scandinavia, particularly Norway. Norwegians are very very good at ignoring you. Try walking along a busy Norwegian street without getting walked over. Not possible.

They are very determined people, who know what they want and where they want to go. So don’t get in the way. Particularly if they are driving those huge 6 wheeled camper vans which are the size of a Potteries terraced house. And twice the cost.

They do this in a very pleasant way. They mean you no ill. It’s just the way they are.

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